7 Home Remedies For Cough 

You Quick Relief

1. Honey : According to British Thoracic Society Cough Guideline Group, one of the simplest home remedy for acute cough (lasting less than 3 weeks) is Honey. Honey also ease the throat pain by making smooth layer on throat linings. Eat small amount of honey (approx. 15 gram) 3 times a day. Your cough will expelled out and you will get instant relief.
2. Lemon : Lemon is the very simple and effective home remedy for cough, says British Thoracic Society in their guideline. Cut a lemon in two halves. Fill black pepper powder in one half of lemon and suck it. Your cough will go away

3. Garlic : Peel garlic cloves of one garlic pod and pound them. Take approx. 75 gram mustard oil in a pan and put the pounded garlic cloves in it. Heat this oil. Remove the pan from heat when cloves turns to dark brown or black. Filter the oil with strainer. Apply this garlic-mustard oil on chest and throat. It gives relief in throat pain and breathing difficulty and your cough will be cured quickly.
4. Black Pepper : A traditional method to use black pepper in cough is as follows. Take 10 black peppers and crush them to make powder. Mix it in one spoon of honey and eat it. Do it in morning and evening.
Another traditional method is, mix the powder of 6-7 black peppers in hot milk and drink at night. Both these remedies soothe your throat and give quick relief in cough.
5. Apple Juice : Apple juice is very good for both new and old cough. Add some sugar in Apple juice and drink in morning. If you make apple juice at home then remember that you should take ripe apples only.
6. Grapes : If you are suffering from cough then eat grapes. Grapes have the power to cut the congested cough. It also gives strength to lungs which are essential part of respiratory system. Remember always that don’t drink water immediately after eating any fruit.
7. Ginger : Ginger is one of the best home remedy for cough. There are many methods to use ginger. One effective method is ginger juice. Drink 25 ml ginger juice daily 3 times a day. Heat it before you drink it.
Another method is drinking Ginger Tea. Cut some pieces (approx. 9-10) of ginger. Take a glass of water in a pan. Add sugar and ginger pieces in it. You can also add milk in it. Boil it and strain. Drink it hot and get relief from cough easily.


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